General Director of Mangistaumunaigas JSC
1987-1991, Kyzyl-Orda Polytechnic School of the State Concern “Kazvodmelioratsiya”, department “Maintenance and repair of vehicles”, Kyzyl-Orda, Mechanical Technician;
1991-1996, Kazakh National Technical University, Faculty of Geology, Almaty, Geological survey, prospecting and exploration of mineral deposits, mining engineer-geologist;
2008-2010, International Academy of Business, MBA Department, Almaty, Master of Business Administration;
2017-2020, “Ufa State Petroleum Technological University”, competition for the degree of candidate of science without mastering the training programs for scientific and pedagogical personnel in the postgraduate study of the Federal State Budgetary Institution of Higher Education “UGNTU”;
2017-2018, Unified program for the development of top managers of the group of companies of NC KMG JSC (Modules 1, 2,3,4) “KMG’s unified TOP team”.
Labor activity
1997-1999 – Operator of the 2nd category for oil and gas production, JSC “Yuzhneftegaz” / JSC “Harikeyn Kumkol munai”, Kyzylorda region, Kumkol field (monitoring the operation of wells at the site, measuring (flow rates) of wells, sampling liquids in wells, carrying out well clean-up operations (OGW, OGN), recording current parameters of well operation (daily reports of the operator));
1999-2000 – Operator of the 2nd category, senior operator of the brigade, operator of 5 times for the study of wells of the engineering service, JSC “Harikeyn Kumkol munai”, Kyzylorda region, Kumkol field, South Kumkol, Kyzylkia (monitoring the operation of wells at the site, measuring (flow rates) of wells, sampling liquids in wells, carrying out well clean-up operations (OGW, OGN), recording current parameters of well operation (daily reports of the operator));
2000-2003 – Field geologist, geologist of the main office of JV “Kuat Amlon Munai”, Kyzylorda region, field Konys, Bektas (direct control over the work of contractors at the well (drilling, perforation, well logging), development of programs for well testing (well test, well logging), preparation of well technological regimes (according to the activity profile), registration of well operation modes and research results (checkerboard and other reporting);
2003-2005 – Leading geologist-head of the geological service of Turgai-Petroleum CJSC, Kyzylorda region, Kumkol field, East Kumkol (selection of points for drilling production wells, selection and control over the implementation of activities for additional exploration of deposits, control over the timely and high-quality performance of geophysical well surveys);
2005-2006 – Lead Engineer for Development – Heads of Service of Turgai-Petroleum CJSC, Kyzylorda region, Kumkol field, East Kumkol (calculation of the main indicators of oil production, forecasting of oil and gas production for the short and long term, calculation of oil production for the year, taking into account geological and technical measures, monitoring compliance with the technological regimes of production and injection wells);
2006-2007 – Head of the development department, chief geologist of the Directorate for Geology and Development of Turgai-Petroleum JSC, Kyzylorda region, Kumkol field, East Kumkol (calculation of production profiles (forecasting), search, coordination of measures (wellworks) for the implementation of the oil production plan, management of the work of the geology and development departments, determination of the oil production plan and its implementation, preparation of materials according to the profile of activities for the technical committee of the board of directors);
2007-2012 – Director for Geology and Development of the Directorate for Geology and Development of Turgai-Petroleum JSC, Kyzylorda region, Kumkol field, East Kumkol (leading the work of the departments of geology and development, determining the plan for oil production and its implementation, preparing materials according to the profile of activities for the technical committee of the board of directors);
2012-2015 – Chief Geologist, Advisor to the General Director, Managing Director for Geology and Development, Managing Director for Geological Exploration of KazMunayGas EP JSC, Astana, 17 Kabanbai-Batyr Ave. (coordination of the organization’s activities in the field of geological exploration (increase in reserves), audit of SPE-PRMS reserves, implementation of geological and technical assessment of projects planned for acquisition);
2016 – First Deputy General Director for Portfolio Management of KazNIPImunaigas JSC, Aktau, building 2 (coordination (planning, organization of work, management, control) of the production activities of the Institute);
2016-2018 – General Director of KazNIPImunaigas LLP / Director of the KazNIPImunaigas LLP branch of Research Institute TDB KMG (coordination (planning, organization of work, management, control) of the production activities of the Partnership / Branch);
2018-2021 – General Director (Chairman of the Management Board) JV Kazgermunai LLP, Kyzylorda, Amangeldy st., 100;
2021 — First Deputy General Director, Chairman of the Board of JV Kazgermunai LLP, Kyzylorda, Amangeldy st., 100.