
How to independently conduct hydrodynamic studies of wells?

How to independently conduct hydrodynamic studies of wells?

This issue was discussed at the next meeting of the Intellectual Club with the participation of KMG SDEs, where the speaker Damir Alibekovich Shyrakbayev, Director of the Department for Development of OMG, detailed the topic “Organization and management of complex types of hydrodynamic testing of wells (hereinafter HDTW) at the fields of JSC Ozenmunaigas.

As part of the discussion, the guest shared his experience in implementing a project to carry out complex HDTW at OMG fields on his own. He also noted the complexity of this task and its advantages, economic benefits and implementation without the involvement of specialized service companies.

– Since 2012, all types of complex HDTW have been performed on their own by the employees of Ozenmunaigas JSC. We use modern technologies in our work. There is a fleet of devices and digital support. Among the tools used are instruments for measuring parameters, a universal measurement manager, Kappa Saphir NL software and others, – said the speaker

In his presentation, he gave statistics on the implementation of complex HDTW for the period 2009-2021. During this period alone, the economic efficiency of the project paid off and amounted to more than 1000 wells / research. per year and more174 million tenge in year

Also, the audience was presented with the current HDTW Development Strategy until 2024, within the framework of which CIR engineers have been trained and educated since last year, 8 employees were included in the talent pool, experience was exchanged with other subsidiaries and affiliates and service companies in the field of HDTW, annual modernization and additional equipment of the fleet of instruments and the acquisition of advanced modern models of devices with the function of remote control, digital support is being carried out, including large-scale use of data, updating and expanding software, including for analyzing oil production at the company’s fields, improving the methodological base in terms of updating the technological regulations for HDTW, determination of the speed of sound at the Uzen and Karamandybas fields, etc.

At the end of the meeting, a mini-competition for attentiveness was organized among the listeners. The speaker addressed two clarifying questions on the topic of his presentation to the audience, where the authors of the fastest and correct answers were KMG Engineering employees – Abdrakhmanova Gulzira Sagingalievna, an expert of the production technology and well intervention service, and Esetov Zhanbolat Armanovich, a senior engineer of the EMG field development service. The winners will be presented with the books “Enbekpen Yrge Orlegen” (Galamkas Satybaldy), “Ozenmen Ozektes Omir” (Umit Zhaleke)

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