
For contribution to the development of the oil and gas industry

For contribution to the development of the oil and gas industry

Ruslan Agleshov, disciplinary expert of the KMG Engineering group of experts, was awarded the medal of the Ministry of Energy of the Republic of Kazakhstan – «Мұнайгаз кешенін дамытуға қосқан үлесі үшін» on the occasion of the Independence Day of the country.

After graduating from Sh.Yessenov Aktau State University with a degree in Development and Operation of Oil and Gas Fields and Geology of Oil and Gas, Ruslan Maratovich began working at GTPD (Gas Technology Production Department) of Uzenmunaigas JSC as an operator for the collection and transportation of gas.

His total experience in the domestic oil and gas industry is almost a quarter of a century. Working in the companies of KazMunayGas EP JSC, Ruslan Maratovich showed perseverance, constantly improving his knowledge and acquiring practical skills. KazMunayGas), Head of Department (Ozenmunaigas), consultant for geological and hydrodynamic modeling to the first deputy general director for portfolio management (Engineering Center branch).

Under his direct leadership and with active participation, a number of major projects in the industry have been successfully implemented.:

  • polymer flooding project at Kalamkas field;
  • geological and hydrodynamic modeling of the Uzen field;
  • recalculation of reserves of the Uzen field (expected increase in geological oil reserves of 180 million tons);
  • successful implementation of various pilot projects (pilot studies) technologies to increase oil recovery factor (oil recovery factor) at the Karazhanbas field;
  • Pilot testing and commercial operation of injection of efficient FDT (flow diverting technologies) at the Uzen and Karamandybas fields;
  • ensuring the timeliness, completeness, reliability of filling the DPT project (drilling and production technologies) with daily geological and production data in JSC OMG and MMG.

Thanks to the accumulated practical experience in the oil and gas industry, Ruslan Maratovich this year was accepted as an expert at KMG Engineering LLP, where he continues to work, making an invaluable contribution to the development of his company. Throughout his career, our colleague has shown himself to be a responsible, purposeful, tolerant and decent employee.

And the award for the Anniversary of the Independence of Kazakhstan, which Ruslan Maratovich received the day before, is highly deserved.

Congratulations to an expert in his field!

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