
Being the same age as Independence is a special responsibility

Being the same age as Independence is a special responsibility

Kazakhstan 30 years ago declared itself an independent state. Having gone through various changes during this period, on the path of continuous development, the republic has won prestige and international respect. Kazakhstanis, who were born three decades ago, grew up and walked their own path together with their Motherland.

One of the peers of the Independence of Kazakhstan is Nursultan Bazarbay, Assistant to the General Director of KMG Engineering. We will not be mistaken if we say that each of us knows this employee in the company, and not only because of his duty, but also thanks to the sociability of a young man who has been working at KMGE since 2016.

Nursultan comes from the Kyzylorda region. The parents (grandmother) named their son with a sonorous name in honor of the First President of the country, Nursultan Nazarbayev, wishing him the same successful future as the Leader of the Nation.

After graduating from Kokshetau State University, named after Sh.Ualikhanov in 2013, the young man entered the main legal university of the country – KAZGLU, where he received a bachelor’s degree in international law and is currently continuing his studies under a state grant for a master of finance.

I came to KMGE in 2016 (then still SRI PDT of Production and Drilling Technologies) as a translator, employment was through outsourcing at SKCU

In addition, in 2018, Nursultan had the opportunity to undergo an internship at Project Management Knowledge Astana (PMKA), where he strengthened his practical project management skills based on the PMI PMBoK Guide 6th Edition standard. Nursultan is fluent in the state, English and Russian languages.

– For me, being the same age as the Independence of the Motherland is not only a great honor, but also a great responsibility. I make every effort to justify the trust of my parents and homeland, to realize my potential, to be successful in my profession, useful to society and the environment. I would like to congratulate all colleagues, Kazakhstanis on the Independence Day! To wish all of us a peaceful life, the opportunity to make dreams come true, to remain needed by our country, – Nursultan shared.

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