
Author: sdauren

The KMGE Atyrau branch: the achieved results and attention of the youth

In the Atyrau branch of KMG Engineering LLP, a reporting Meeting of the CEO, Rakhim Nagangaliyevich Uteyev with the team has taken place. The results of the Branch’s activities for 2021 and the tasks for the current year have been discussed.       Due to the ongoing sanitary restrictions, the Meeting with the team has […]

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Arman Taubayev: bringing your whole self to work

Arman Taubayev has started his career in our team 17 years ago as a lab assisstant. According to him, over the previous years in the KMG Engineering team, he has learned to think out of the box, to be proactive, to defend his point of view and always to stand for justice. Our colleague is […]

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There is an open way for the young everywhere with us

Today, the hero of the column, or rather the heroine, is Ayaulym Amankeldiyeva, an engineer of the expert group of KMG Engineering LLP. Ayaulym has been working in the Company for a relatively short period of time, about a year, but she has already managed to achieve the impressive results in her professional field. In […]

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KMG Engineering is implementing the SatTi project

The software product is aimed at optimizing the struggle against scaling at a number of large oil producing companies in Kazakhstan, including the KMG subsidiaries and affiliates. The name “SatTi” originates from Sat – saturation, T – team, i – index, in other words, the saturation index, calculated by the team. It is noteworthy that […]

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Kazakhstan’s Oil & Gas Industry Newsletter magazine has its own web resource

To view the publication, as well as to submit your work online, visit For the convenience of the users of the platform the access to all issues of the Newsletter is provided, as well as the possibility to auto-search for relevant information by keywords. The website functionality makes it possible for users to send […]

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The best research papers among young specialists were determined

KMG Engineering LLP summed up the results of the “Best Research Papers among Young Employees” competition. A total of 20 papers in various areas of the oil and gas industry were submitted for the competition, of which the best 4 were determined. The winners of the competition may now expect an upgrade in position and pay. […]

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Sport and work go hand in hand

In every team there is always a mass entertainer, initiator of various events, bringing colleagues together for cultural or sports activities. We have such a person in the Atyrau branch of KMG Engineering LLP. Meet Aibek Mendigaliyev, Senior Engineer of the Geology and Geological Exploration Service, who was at the origins of creating a real […]

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About love for Mrs. “Geology”

On the eve of the celebration of the Independence of our country, several employees of KMG Engineering LLP were awarded high awards from the country’s leadership and government agencies. One of the highest awards – a medal from the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan Kassym – Zhomart Tokayev “To the 30th anniversary of Independence […]

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For contribution to the development of the oil and gas industry

Ruslan Agleshov, disciplinary expert of the KMG Engineering group of experts, was awarded the medal of the Ministry of Energy of the Republic of Kazakhstan – «Мұнай–газ кешенін дамытуға қосқан үлесі үшін» on the occasion of the Independence Day of the country. After graduating from Sh.Yessenov Aktau State University with a degree in Development and […]

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Recognition at the highest level

By the 30th anniversary of the Independence of the Republic of Kazakhstan, in the Atyrau branch of KMG Engineering LLP, an award ceremony was held for employees who distinguished themselves in their professional activities and contributed to the development of the oil and gas industry.    –  On this significant date for our country, I […]

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