
Author: sdauren

The international round table problems of developing Cretaceous deposits of high-viscosity oils of East Moldabek site of Kenbai field has started in KMG Engineering.

  • 24.06.2022
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Representatives from research institutes, universities, businesses, scientists, and entrepreneurs involved in the development and operation of high-viscosity oil fields in Kazakhstan and abroad were the participants. The main purpose of the round table is to find effective technologies for developing high-viscosity oils and assess the applicability of technologies in the conditions of the East Moldabek […]

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“KMG Engineering” honored mentors of « Zhas Orken».

Once again, KMGI mentors, on behalf of the company’s management, were awarded Letters of Appreciation from the “Samruk-Kazyna” Corporate University, “Zhas Orken” badges and KazMunayGas Certificates of Honor for their contribution to the implementation of the Zhas Orken national project. – The management of the company pays special attention to the merits of mentors for […]

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The qualifying stage of the Sports Festival took place in KMGE Engineering.

The event was attended by athletes from the Head Office and Branches of KMGE. The teams included more than 75 activists in total. They competed in the following disciplines: Mini football Volleyball men’s and women’s Athletics running Table tennis The winners will be included in the KMGE team and will represent the company at the […]

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The training «Negotiation Management» was held within the framework of the «Boost» training program on 18-19th of June 2022.

  • 22.06.2022
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This time the trainer was Mukhtar Bekzhanov, a psychologist, teacher of psychology, who has 27 years of practical experience in management. – Mukhtar Maratovich is an expert in all types of classes, including the use of active learning methods, such as brainstorming, business and role-playing games, training seminars, etc. He is the author of his […]

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KMGE representatives held meeting at Satbayev University

The occasion for the meeting with the management of the university was the strengthening of cooperation under the KMGE School Program for the upcoming academic year. Rector of the  Kazakh National Research Technical University named after K. I. Satbayev, Meyram Begentayev,  stressed the importance of implementing a joint project to train specialists with a narrow […]

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The Future of Kazakhstan Carbonate Fields

The Intellectual Club participants hosted an online meeting to discuss the Mangistaumunaigas JSC Carbonate Fields development concept. Damir Alibekovich Shyrakbayev, Deputy General Director for Geology and Development of MMG, participated as a speaker. He pointed out three main areas in his speech: Current Development Status Existing Capacities Stages of Implementing EOR Innovative Methods “The main […]

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International Conference Results were announced

“Relevant Issues of Hydrocarbon Resources and Reserves Increase”. The young specialists from the KMG Engineering Atyrau branch took part in the event. Their reports were of great interest to the participants and were evaluated as competition papers by the Commission. So, 1st place:  “A comprehensive geochemical study of condensate, gas and core from the Moinkum […]

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KMG Engineering Atyrau Branch organized a charity event for the International Children’s Day.

  • 02.06.2022
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On the eve of the holiday, the Field Design and Development Block of the Branch provided food aid to five low-income residents of Atyrau using funds raised on their own initiative. Volunteers shared information about families most in need with the Atyrau Branch employees. In total, about 30 children that have received support are being […]

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As part of the first module, Boost project participants presented their reports at the Pitching Lab. Based on what they had learned, they presented their own projects. The trainer’s goal during the entire course of work with the participants was to not only transfer theoretical information, but also to create conditions that allowed them to […]

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On the metal and women’s fate

For the third year in a row, a metal research laboratory has been successfully operating at the “KazNIPImunaigas” Branch of KMG Engineering LLP. Few people know that this new sector in the activities of the institute is managed by a lady with extensive experience in the brutal metallurgical and energy industries, a native of Siberia, […]

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