
Day: 7 November 2022

Day: 7 November 2022

What is the most effective way to maximize efficiency when drilling wells?

KMG Engineering organized a meeting of Intellectual Club participants to discuss the efficiency of drilling horizontal wells in the fields of Mangistaumunaigas JSC. Berik Aidarov, Lead Geologist of MMG Department of Geology and Field Development, shared introductory information, providing an overview of the company’s operating fields. The geologist provided current statistics on the volume and […]

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KMG Engineering was represented at the Astana IT University JOB FAIR 2022

Today the traditional Astana IT University Job Fair was held in the capital, where there were the representatives of KMGE – Ilya Vasilyev, Head of the Development Center of IT and Daniyar Nurseitov, a Disciplinary Expert of the BigDATA Sector. Our colleagues informed the visitors about the Company’s activities, including groundbreaking digitalization projects implemented by […]

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