
I try to be as useful as possible for society and the company

I try to be as useful as possible for society and the company

Aidana Beken, a graduate of Al-Farabi Kazakh National University with a degree in Mathematical and Computer Modeling, an engineer of the Hydraulic Fracturing Service of the Kaznipimunaygas Branch of KMG Engineering.

Before my employment at KMGI, my knowledge of hydraulic fracturing was very fragmentary, but new associations appear every day of work. Consequently, knowledge in this field is consolidated and expanded. I recently finished analyzing hydraulic fracturing designs for OMG. The difficulty was that you spend a lot of time assembling a database/sample for analysis. However, it is necessary for digitalization. After all, it is only based on past data that you can take into account mistakes, draw conclusions and move forward. I hope my work will be useful to the company and will help future graduates of KMGE school.

She was a member of the student rights protection organization.
In 4 years, she managed to grow up to the status of deputy Chairman at the faculty, was the head of freshmen and elders.
The winner of a grant to study under the international mobility program in Italy, but plans have changed due to the pandemic.
As a result, I graduated from the university with a red diploma.

The production practice fell during the pandemic period – the summer of 2020 and was held remotely. I devoted this time to studying the basic concepts of hydraulic fracturing. Six months later, she entered an offline pre-graduate internship at KazNIPI under the guidance of Marat Kosbarmakov. I read a lot of articles before writing my thesis. As a result, I learned to read them with understanding in a minute.

During the entire period of study, I had only one mentor – this is Marat Kosbarmakov. He is an expert in the SGRP. During the pre-graduate practice, he gave me tasks that would be interesting to me or that I could include in my work, which helped me a lot, since I was a little lost. I learned from him to be more attentive to details. I think I am very lucky to have a mentor, because he helps us to dive deeper into the subject of work.

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