
Laboratory of Oil and Petroleum Products Research

Laboratory of Oil and Petroleum Products Research

Laboratory of Oil and Petroleum Products Research

In the branches of KMG Engineering in Aktau and Atyrau, there are laboratories for the study of oil and petroleum products.
In the laboratories for the study of reservoir fluids, thermodynamic studies are performed at high pressure (up to 1000 bar) and temperature (up to 200 oC) with an increased content of hydrogen sulfide (up to 26 mol%) on high-tech equipment: PVT FLUD-EVAL, Vinci Technologies (France) and mercury-free PVT system Chandler Engineering (USA)
Studies of reservoir oil and reservoir gas in the phase equilibrium system
1. PVT studies of deep (recombined) samples of reservoir oil, with obtaining the main parameters and degassing curves – gas content, Rnas. (volume, visual), volume coefficient, shrinkage, density, viscosity, compressibility coefficient, solubility, etc.
2. Gas condensate studies, obtaining the main parameters and condensation curves – KGF, Rnach. condensation, P Max. condensation coefficient, super-compressibility coefficient, potential condensate contents in reservoir gas, separation gas, degassing gas, volume coefficient, density, viscosity, etc.
3. The saturation temperature of oil with paraffin in reservoir conditions.

Studies of component compositions on Crystal 5000.2 chromatographs
1. Determination of the component composition of gases up to C9+ and non-hydrocarbon components of CO2, N2, H2S, He, Ar, H2
2. Determination of the component composition of hydrocarbon liquids (oil, condensate) up to C44+;
3. Determination of sulfur compounds: hydrogen sulfide, methyl and ethyl mercaptans in oil and gas.
4. Determination of the dew point for water and hydrocarbons.

Research of degassed, commercial oil and petroleum products
1. Determination of qualitative and quantitative characteristics of oil and petroleum products, according to current standards and specifications.
2. Research of physico-chemical properties of petroleum products: gasoline, diesel fuel, oils, fuel oil, etc.

Studies on oil preparation and complications
1. Physico-chemical studies of intractable emulsions.
2. Kinetics of settling of oil-water emulsions (botl test).
3. Determination of the effectiveness of the demulsifier.
4. Rheological studies of oil, oil composites.
5. Physico-chemical studies of solid asphalt-resin-paraffin deposits (ASP).

The results of laboratory studies on the physical and chemical properties of reservoir oil and reservoir gas, chromatographic compositions of gas released at various stages of separation, properties of oil and condensate under surface conditions are necessary when performing research reports on the calculation and recalculation of reserves, development projects, development analyses, author’s supervision of the field.
The results of the study of difficult-to-destroy oil and water emulsions selected from the wellhead, technological facilities and reservoirs are necessary to solve technological complications arising in the process of extraction, collection, transportation and preparation of oil and gas, as well as in the selection of optimal operating conditions for oil equipment.
The data obtained during the study can be used to solve environmental and environmental issues, including the preparation of sections on the protection of mineral resources and the environment in project documents.

Photo 1– – Laboratory for the study of reservoir fluids. Installations PVT – Model 3000 GL Chandler Engineering (USA) and PVT FLUDEVAL, Vinci Technologies (France)


Photo 2 – – Laboratory of chromatographic studies.


Photo 3 – – Visual definition of the Rnach. cond. formation gas and Rnas. oil.

< i>PVT installation-Model 3000 GL Chandler Engineering (USA).


< i>Photo 4– – Anton Paar density meter (determination of the density of reservoir fluids)


Photo 5 – – Laboratory for the study of crude oil and petroleum products

Nurzhan Shilanov

< u> Deputy Director of the Branch for Laboratory < u>research < / i>

Branch of “KMG Engineering” LLP “KazNIPImunaygas” (Aktau)

130000, Aktau, 35 mkr. building 6

Work phone: 8 (7292) 470 215

Cell phone number: +7 702 939 32 52



Nariman Sarsenbekov < / u>< / i>

Director of the Laboratory Research Department< / u>< / i>

Atyrau branch< / u>< / i>

KMG Engineering LLP

060015, Atyrau, S. O. Geologist, S. Birlik, Telemunar industrial zone, st-e 4

Work phone: 8 (7122) 762 501

Cell phone number: +7 701 488 89 49


Manas Makhmutov

Head of Fluid Analysis and Field Chemistry Service

Work phone: 8 (7292) 470 290 (ext. 4386)

Cell phone: +7 702 737 37 47


Azamat Mukanov

Head of Fluid Analysis and Field Chemistry Service

Work phone: 8 (7122) 317 889

Cell phone: +7 701 667 88 48
